The Selections Tool is built on a platform called Airtable. To gain access to the tool, you'll be invited to create an Airtable account.
To request access to the Selections Tool please fill this form:
Once this form is filled, we'll need to confirm with regional staff that you should have access.
Please do not contact us if you have not received an Airtable invite. We review all forms submitted, but not everyone that requests access may receive it since we pay per user, we must be strict on who can gain access.
Thank you for understanding.
Once you receive your Airtable invite you'll need to create a free Airtable account. Once this is completed, you should see the specific areas that you are responsible for.
It can take up to 24 hours before you see data, once you've created your Airtable account. This is because adding a user to their respective area is a manual task. You can reach out to us if after 24 hours you still don't see any data in the tool.