In the Emails section of Organise, you can see all the party emails that you have access to, manage your own drafts, and review your sent emails.

Filtering and Searching

All of the different Email tables described below can be filtered by using the Filter button in the top left of your screen. You can filter by any column in the table to narrow it down and browse just the relevant emails.

You can also use the Search box next to the Filter button to quickly look for a specific subject line or sender.

All Emails

The All Emails tab shows you every Organise email that have been sent or scheduled by Organise users in your area, including any Organise users in child areas (e.g. a CLP user will see emails from Branch users).

You have the following actions available when seeing another user’s emails that have been sent, actions vary by sending status are : 

  • Preview - Opens a view of the email content without opening the full email.
  • Send Follow-Up - Enables another linked email to be sent on the back of the original email.
  • Duplicate– copy the design to a new email to make any changes and then send to a new audience.
  • Forward - enables forwarding of the email to (i.e. a missed recipient from the original email distribution list).
  • Archive – move the email to the Archive tab.
  • View stats – open the results of the email.

Your Emails

The Your emails tab will show you emails that you have sent or scheduled to send. You can do all the actions mentioned above, as well as the following.

For scheduled emails:

  • Edit – make any last minute design changes
  • Cancel Send – stop the email going out and move it back to Drafts

For sent emails:

  • Send Follow-up – start a new email in the same thread. Supporters will see it as a reply to the original email.
  • Archive – move the email to the Archive tab

Your Drafts

The Your Drafts tab shows you every email that you have started but has not been sent or scheduled to send.

For any of these emails you can:

  • Edit – go back to the email builder and then you can send your email when you’re ready.
  • Delete – remove this email from your drafts. Deleted drafts cannot be recovered.


The Archive tab shows you all your sent emails that have been archived from the Your Emails section. This is useful for keeping that section tidy for finding the emails you will need to refer back to.

You can Restore any of the emails in Archive and they will appear back in Your Emails section.