To create a custom audience, go to the People area of Organise and select 'Filter' near the top left of the screen:

This will open the Filter menu to the right of the screen:

There are many filter options available to allow you to create specific audiences. To add a new filter, select 'Add Filter' to open a menu. Select the filter you would like to use by clicking on it: 

To remove a filter, click on the small 'x' in the top-right of the box around the filter to be removed. 

Please note: if you want your audience to include only members and no non-members or ex-members, you must include a membership status filter. The below image shows a membership status filter to show 'All Active Members' - this means that your search will only show people who have an active Labour Party membership, including members in arrears.  

When you have finished adding your filters, select 'Filter' at the bottom right of the filter menu to load the audience on screen. To save your custom search, select 'Save' at the bottom right of the filter menu: 

If this is a new search, select 'Save As' and 'Save As New Search'. Name your custom search so that you can easily know who that audience contains. For example, you might name your search 'London Branches'. 

If you are updating the search criteria of an existing search, select 'Save As' and 'Update Existing Search'. The filters you have created will replace those on the existing search that you select. 

Your saved custom searches can be accessed in the Saved Searches menu in the People area of Organise:

Select your search and click 'Search' to load the audience on screen. Select the pencil icon to rename the search or the bin icon to delete the search:

How to add multiple areas into one custom search

To create an audience that contains members of more than one area, such as more than one CLP or branch, you need to add multiple rows within the electoral geography filter. 

First, add the electoral geography filter in the filters menu, then select the small plus sign in the box corresponding to the electoral geography filter to add another row. 

You must also ensure that the filter type in the top-right of the box is set to 'Any'. 

This is because you want to find individuals who are in Area A or Area B, whereas the 'All' filter type will look for individuals who are in Area A and Area B.