1. A campaign is a collection of volunteers and events. Anyone who is a volunteer to a campaign in your area will be accessible in your People section until the end of the campaign.

2. Click "Campaigns" in the left-hand menu to access the Campaigns section of Organise

3. You will see a list of campaigns in the areas that you have Organise access to. Click on the campaign you want to work on.

4. Linking events to your campaign means that anyone who later RSVPs to an event is also automatically added in. Click "Events" to view the current linked events.

5. Click "Link Events" to attach upcoming events. If this event already has RSVPs before it is linked, you will need to add them to the campaign manually (see step 18 below)

6. For each existing event, click "Link" and it will be connected to that campaign. You can also link an event to a campaign when you first create the event.

7. You can manage all your volunteers in the campaign easily. Click "Volunteers" to see the full list

8. Click on a volunteer to open a quick view of their record

9. Click "Make Dialogue Call" and you will be connected to them over the phone, so you can discuss how they'd like to help and invite them to events.

To use this feature, you must have a phone number saved in Dialogue and we will ring your phone first before calling them.

10. To end the call after you're connected to the volunteer, click "Connected - Click to End Call" or hang up.

11. Each volunteer has a status in the campaign. "New" if they have not been contacted, "Contacted" if an organiser has spoken to them, "Active" if they are currently campaigning, and "Experienced" if they can be trusted to help run and organise sessions.

12. You can also add to a long list of specialist skills which will be saved on their profile for yourself and other Organise users. If you have suggestions for other things to include, get in touch.

13. On the Events tab, you can mark whether they have RSVPed or Attended and of the events that are linked to your campaign.

14. You can also view and change their Availability, and interest in different campaigning Activities.

15. If you change things on this page, remember to click Save.

16. To use volunteers, you can see a list of them in the People table.

17. You can also quickly create a new email to everyone in your campaign

18. You can add people to a campaign by clicking on the actions for them on the People table

19. Then search for your campaign and select it

20. Finally, you can remove someone from a campaign if they are no longer interested in helping. Do this on the Volunteer section of the Campaigns page by clicking on the actions for that row, and selecting "Remove from Campaign"