The key benefit of using Organise for Events is that you can keep a record of everyone who RSVPed or Attended an event, and then use that information for keeping people engaged with the party going forward.

Contact RSVPs

Supporters can RSVP to events on the public Events site by providing their name, email and postcode. If they are already in Organise (for instance a member, or a previous volunteer), we will add this event to their record. If this is their first event, they will be added to Organise for the first time.

We will automatically send them a reminder email 24 hours before an event. If you want to include a contact number or video call link you can add it to the event in Organise and it will be sent out with this email.

If you want to reach out to these RSVPs beforehand to share more information, or encourage them to share the event, you can send an email to them when looking at a published event in Organise by clicking Email RSVPs.

Sharing your sign-in form

On the day of your event, you will receive an email with a link and a QR code for your event sign-in form. Like RSVPs, supporters need to sign in with their name, email address and postcode, and this will be added to their Organise record.

By getting everyone who attends to sign-in, you will have their contact details available in Organise for following up afterwards and we’ll have an accurate history of their party engagement on their personal record.

After the event you can email attendees to ask for feedback or invite them to another event in the same way as you could email RSVPs.

Advanced Event History Searches

In the People page, you can also add filters for people who have RSVPed or Attended an event, including the ability to search whether someone has come to any event in an area in a given period of time. This is useful if you want to create larger audiences of everyone who’s engaged at all with a campaign.