Organise is the database of all our known supporters. That includes current members, ex-members, non-members who have signed up to an event or to volunteer, and external lists of supporters that have been uploaded by other Organise users.

The People page shows a single view of the supporters in your area. However, to make it useful you need to filter it down to the specific group you want to view and contact.

Preset Searches

Organise has a number of preset searches which cover the most common audiences you will need. Click on Saved Searches on the People page to access and browse the list. Each of these searches is automatically limited to the areas that you have access to.

General searches:

  • All Members - everyone with an active membership status
  • All Members and Non-Members – all supporters in your area, including non-members
  • New Members - members who joined the party in the last 30 days
  • Non-members - everyone who is an ex-member, or a supporter who has never been a member
  • Affiliated Supporters – local members of affiliated unions who have signed up as affiliated supporters and are eligible to attend local party meetings (but not vote)

Action searches, to help with data management:

  • No working email – all supporter records with a broken or missing email address
  • No working phone number – all supporter records with a broken or missing phone/mobile number
  • Address Fix Required – all supporter records where their exact house address could not be accurately placed, and so Organise relies on their postcode

Recent membership changes:

  • First-time members – New members who have joined in the last 30 days and never been a member before
  • Rejoiners – Members who have rejoined the party in the last 30 days
  • Transferred In – Existing members who have moved into your area in the last 30 days
  • In Arrears – Members who are currently behind on their membership dues
  • About to Lapse – Members who are in arrears, and who will lapse in the next 30 days
  • Lapsed – Ex-members whose membership lapsed in the last 30 days due to non-payment
  • Resigned / Cancelled / Deceased – Ex-members whose membership was cancelled in the last 30 days for reasons other than non-payment

Demographic searches:

  • Under 27 – Members who are under 27 and so eligible for youth processes and positions
  • Over 70 – Members who are over 70 and so may have additional accessibility needs
  • Female – Women members who are eligible for women processes and positions

Volunteer searches:

  • All Volunteers – Any supporters who has either pledged to volunteer, attended an event, or was marked as a volunteer by an Organise user
  • Team Leads – supporters whose volunteering experience is set at the maximum level in any volunteering activity (e.g. Board Runners in the Door Knocking activity)
  • Recent Event Attendees – supporters who have attended an event in the last 30 days
  • Canvassers – supporters with have pledged to help or have experience with canvassing
  • Leafletters - supporters with have pledged to help or have experience with leafletting
  • Phonebankers - supporters with have pledged to help or have experience with phonebanking
  • Office Workers - supporters with have pledged to help or have experience with helping with office tasks
  • Polling Day Volunteers - supporters who have said they can be available on Polling Day

Searches are defined based on the specific filters they use and they stay up to date over time, so you can continue to use searches for email audiences without doing the search again.

For instance, you can use the “All Members” preset search every time you send out an email and it will include people who have recently joined or left. Because of this feature, it is best to use Searches instead of Lists wherever possible to ensure your communications always go to the right people.

Custom Searches

You can carry out more specific searches if you need a group that isn’t a preset search.

Click Filter on the People page and you can apply multiple criteria one-by-one to define a group of supporters. You can also start with a Preset Search, and then customise it by adding additional filters to create a new custom search.

For instance, you could filter by Electoral Geography to find people in “Castle” ward. Then you could add a Membership Status filter to see only Active Members, and filter by Age to see only members under 27.

Once you’ve confirmed the results are what you expected, you can click Save at the bottom of the filter panel and give it a name to create your own Custom Search for the future. Similarly to the preset searches, these will always stay up to date whenever the search is used, so once you’ve saved it you won’t have to come back to it to check for new updates.

For instance, if a new young member joined in Castle ward in the example above, then they would be included in any future emails without you having to run the search again.

Choosing Visible Information

For any audience, you can change which information it includes in the People table and Export file by clicking the settings icon in the top right corner of the table and selecting which columns you want to be visible.

For instance, if you are a membership secretary, you may care about seeing people’s join date and status for your custom search, while if you are an organiser, you may want people’s availability and volunteering preferences. Organise will save your choice for that custom search, so every time you revisit that audience the table will show the most useful information.

Search by List

You also have the ability to quickly search your lists to see who is currently included. You can add filters and search the people on this list as you can for any other search, and then you can save that as a custom search to create new subsets of the List. Learn more about Lists