If you need to send out an email to a group of people that you can't define using a search, you can create a list instead.


Lists are manual audiences that you have to update and maintain yourself.

You can add an individual to a new or existing list from their individual profile or the People table, or if you have an external spreadsheet of people (including their email addresses, names, and postcodes) you can upload this to add to a list using the Import tool.

You can manage your Lists by clicking on the Lists button in the People tab. Here you can create, view, rename, or delete your lists.

Lists are hard to maintain as they don’t take into account information that we learn about supporters in Organise over time.

For instance, if you have created your own List of members but one has resigned they will continue to receive your emails, or if someone new signed up on the volunteer form they won’t be included on your list of leafletters.

Lists are best used when there is an audience that cannot be defined using the data we keep in Organise and it is a fixed group that won’t need frequent updating.

Private Contacts

Private contacts are another type of list you can send emails to, but where only you can see the people on this list. Private contacts should be used if these people are not relevant to any other Organise user and it would be inappropriate for them to be included in the shared database of supporters and potentially hear from other parts of the party. For instance, a list of voters who have signed up for updates on a specific local issue from their councillor.

You manage these lists in your [Account] section, where you can upload a new spreadsheet, or add and remove people from existing audiences.