Before you can send any emails in Organise you need to have at least one Sender Identity, as every email from Organise needs to come from one.

You can set up new sender identities at Account > Sender Identities

A Sender Identity contains the following parts:

  • (Required) A “From” name that your Organise email will look like it comes from when it appears in someone’s inbox - it’s best to create a clear identity that mentions the Labour Party, e.g. “Anytown Central Labour Party”, so that supporters will be able to see who is messaging them at a glance.
  • (Required) Your email address where you’d like Organise to forward any replies to your email. This email address will not be visible to anyone who receives your Organise emails. However, you may sometimes need to have individual follow-up conversations if people ask questions, so it’s best to pick one that you do not mind using for party business to make this easier.
  • (Required) Your email signature – a name and role – to make it easier to sign off your emails
  • (Optional) X Alias – to replace the national social media links in the email footer
  • (Optional) Local imprint – to replace the national imprint in the email footer

After saving this sender identity, you will receive an email to the email address you provided asking you to verify that it’s yours. Once you’ve clicked the link in that email, your sender identity will be set up and you can start using it for your emails.

You can set up as many sender identities as you’d like for different emails you send out, for instance using different names for other parts of the local party (e.g. women’s branch, campaign forum), or changing the Reply To email address so the most relevant role holder will receive any responses.