The new digital councillor application form has brought what used to be several different forms, into one online form. In this article, we'll walk you through the different sections of the form and hopefully answer your main questions.
The form has different sections:
- Personal Information
- Election Specific
- Eligibility
- Party Involvement
- Monitoring
- Declarations
- Signature
Note! Because the form is quite long and the Party Involvement section asks for long form answers - we suggest you write your answers in a separate doc and after editing them, copy and paste them into the form.
If you enter data into the form, it will stay there if you keep your webpage open, even if you refresh the page. Please note - this is not an 'auto save' feature. If you close or exit out of the page (click the x at the header) you will lose your information. Which is why the safest option is to write your long form questions in a separate document.
Accessing the application form
You can find the form on the Labour homepage. In the search, type in "councillor application" it should pop up.
Here is the link:
Personal Information
It's very important that you enter your name as it is on the electoral register, this will save time later down the line.
Please also enter only one email, choose the one you wish to receive communication about your application through.
Election Specific
1. Once you select the year in which you are applying to be a councillor, the following questions will appear
2. Select the type of applicant you are: New Applicant, Recent Candidate, and Sitting Councillor
- If you are unsure if you are a New Applicant or Recent Candidate, then select New Applicant
3. Select the councils in which you are interested in standing in. You can select multiple.
These questions are required and will be double checked against your membership record.
Party Involvement
This section's questions are dependent on the type of applicant you selected in the Election Specific section. These are the long form questions that we suggest you write in a separate document, until you are ready to submit.

This section is entirely optional - we encourage you to fill it out because that helps us ensure we are selecting a diverse group of applicants. This information is not visible in your application. We use this information in aggregate with all the applicants.
Please read through these and ensure you are checking each box. If you do not check a box, it will not necessarily mean you are ineligible.
Given that this is a digital form, a typed signature is the preferred method.
The date field is auto-populated for the day you enter the form. No need to change that.
Confirmation Email
Once you submit your application you will receive a confirmation email to the email you gave in the Personal Information section.
If you do not receive an email, it will be because there was something wrong with the email address. We will have received your application.
If you have any issues or questions you can always reach out to